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Exercise 13 from Animator Island is entitled; ‘Character jumping over a gap’. For this one I gave Boxx rig a try:

The approach was unplanned, winged it from start to finish, I think this is where an unplanned approach to animation shows its downside, the task was to create a jump, but as I worked through my animation it evolved into less of a jump and more of a ‘flappy flying’, I really did wing it. My excuse being I wanted to play with the box flaps.

Box flaps aside, this rig is surprisingly good, there are some unique controls that make it easier to pose the rig, getting the results I want much faster than say, compared to JohnnyTheBox rig. I didn’t get to use it but Boxx rig even features a movable pivot if you check out this video!

Boxx rig by Jack Lai.

Exercise taken from Animator Island.

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